Online Video Marketing

Online video is undoubtedly changing the way audiences engage with content, ads, and brands, and small businesses and enterprises alike are starting to take advantage. As more and more platforms are allowing for video, and more devices are putting cameras in the hands of consumers, videos are becoming a new way for people to communicate, and a way for small businesses and brands to communicate online and on mobile. Here are why and how you can use video to better tell your brand story.

People Love Online Video

In 2014, audiences engaged with video at a 43% growth rate, and 3/5 of their viewing was on a mobile device. Youtube attracted the most unique visits per month (800 million), making it the #1 video site, however, Netflix is the site where viewers spend most of their time. When you watch a YouTube video, you may see a pre-roll or mid-roll ad run by Google’s own ad platform. More small businesses are interested in the unique targeting capabilities that Google affords.

There is enormous potential for brands to leverage their video content on Facebook, however ensuring those videos get seen can be tricky. Dynamic Cloud Services offers three tips to mastering the Facebook video algorithm and achieving maximum organic reach for your video marketing efforts.


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